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Title: Tuesday

Author: David Wiesner

Illustrator: David Wiesner

Copyright date: 1991

Publisher: Clarion Books

Summary: Tuesday is a picture book with minimal words. In this book, a large group of frogs flies throug the air on their lily pads. Once they reach the town, the frogs explore houses, moving through as everyone sleeps. They also chase a dog. In the morning, the humans discover the left-over lily pads and are puzzled.

Media for illustration: Watercolor

Perfect student: This book is perfect for students who love nature. It is also great for students with limited literacy skills and ELLs.

Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. This standard is for first grade, but I believe there are similar standards in other elementary grades as well and probably even higher grades. This standard works well with this book because the illustrations are award-winning.

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