Picture Book Project
Heidi Ross
Nevada State College
Spring 2016

Title: Hey, Al
Author: Arthur Yorinks
Illustrator: Richard Eglieski
Copyright date: 1986
Publisher: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux
Summary: Hey, Al is the story of a janitor and his dog who give up their lives to live in a magical paradise. They no longer have to work or live in their corwded city apartment. But, when they start transforming into birds, Al and his dog know they must escape. Once they are safely back home, Al and his dog realie they have taken their lives in the city for granded and appreciate them much more, as well as each other.
Media for illustration: Not available.
Perfect student: This book is perfect for a general audience, but it could be particularly interesting for students going through "grass is always greener" phases. Animal lovers would also enjoy this book.
Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. This standard is for first grade, but I believe there are similar standards in other elementary grades as well and probably even higher grades. This standard works well with this book because the illustrations are award-winning.