Picture Book Project
Heidi Ross
Nevada State College
Spring 2016

Title: Rapunzel
Author: Paul O. Zelinsky
Illustrator: Paul O. Zelinsky
Copyright date: 1997
Publisher: Dutton Children's Books
Summary: A young gril is taken from her parents by a witch, who shuts her up in a tower. A prince discovers the girl, Rapunzel, after she has been there for several years. He learns to climb the tower by her hair, and eventually Rapunzel becomes pregnant. When the witch finds out, she sends Rapunzel to the wilderness. In the wilderness, Rapunzel gives birth to twins. A year later, the prince, now blinded by the witch, finds Rapunzel and her tears heal his eyes. They return to his kingdom and spend their lives together.
Media for illustration: Oil paint
Perfect student: This book is perfect for students who enjoy fairytales and adventure stories.
Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. This book works well with this standard because it is a folktale. It could be used by students to study the characteristics of folktales, would be easily understood, and has clear messages that students could recount.