Picture Book Project
Heidi Ross
Nevada State College
Spring 2016

Title: The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas
Author: Tony Wilson
Illustrator: Sue deGennaro
Copyright date: 2009
Publisher: Peachtree Publishers
Summary: This is the story of a curious young prince who is looking for a girl to marry. His brother gives him advice to look for a real princess, one who complains about everything and tells him that he should test her by placing a single pea beneath a layer of mattresses. The prince decides that he doesn't want to marry a real princess, he just wants to marry someone who likes camping, hockey, and has a nice smile. So, he begins to test girls by placing an entire packet of frozen peas beneath a camping mattress and sleeping bag. All of the girls fail, except for the prince's good friend, Pippa. He decides to marry Pippa in the end, and is very happy.
Media for illustration: Collage, gouache, and pencil
Perfect student: This book is perfect for students who don't like traditional princesses, and it appeals well to both genders.
Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.2Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. This text works well with this standard because fractured fairytales are familiar stories with small changes, so students will be able to pinpoint specific differences to help them determine the new theme and the story has a definitive beginning, middle, and end.