Picture Book Project
Heidi Ross
Nevada State College
Spring 2016

Title: Too Much Noise
Author: Ann McGovern
Illustrator: Simms Taback
Copyright date: 1995
Publisher: Houghton Miffling Company
Summary: A man named Peter feels that his house is too noisy. He goes to the wise man in his village and asks what to do. The wise man tells him to get several noisy animals and bring them into his house. The man gets very upset because this creates more noise. The wise man tells Peter to release the animals. His house goes back to normal, and Peter appreciates all of the quieter noises that his house makes.
Media for illustration: Pen, ink, and watercolor
Perfect student: This book is perfect for readers who come from a Jewish background.
Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. This book works well with this standard because it is a folktale. It could be used by students to study the characteristics of folktales, would be easily understood, and has clear messages that students could recount.